Nave con puertas Lubratec®: flexibilidad y eficacia para aplicaciones agrícolas
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HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
Fabrikstraße 13-15
48712 Gescher

Lubratec® Doors & Fronts

For efficient farm management

Textile doors and fronts are not only ideal weather and wind protection, thanks to their large opening widths they can also make the management of your barns and buildings much easier. Our Lubratec doors and fronts are available in many different designs, so that you can obtain solutions tailored to your individual needs, regardless of whether you are planning a dairy building, cattle building, pigsty, poultry house, horse stable or even a warehouse or machine hall.
The modern lightweight construction of the textile doors and fronts in combination with the additional ventilation effect ensures a better climate in the building and makes an important contribution to animal health.

Lubratec Stabitor - puerta seccional para uso intensivo y gran capacidad de carga

Doors - Stabidoor

Sectional door for intensive use

The Lubratec Stabidoor is ideal for the daily passing of large vehicles.

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Lubratec Rollotor - Puerta técnicamente sencilla para un manejo cómodo en huecos de establos

Doors - Roller blind door

Roller blind system for drive-through and stable openings

The Lubratec roll motor is a technically simple door for daily opening and closing.

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Puerta enrollable Lubratec - Puerta fiable y duradera para zonas protegidas del viento

Doors - Rolldoor

Simple door for wind-protected areas

The Lubratec roll door is suitable for occasional passes and is particularly durable.

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Frente abatible Lubratec - Solución de cierre eficaz para aperturas y pasos anchos

Fronts - Folding Front

Closure of large openings

The Lubratec folding front is ideal for closing wide openings and passages in machine halls and feed storages.

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Pared enrollable Lubratec - Alta protección contra el viento y la intemperie con efecto de ventilación para aberturas sobre elementos fijos

Fronts - Roller blind front

Stable protection for wide openings

The Lubratec roller blind front is suitable for particularly long openings and is reassuring, with its enormous system security. The textile front can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

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Lubratec Rollofront - Frontal textil fiable para interiores y exteriores

Fronts - Rollwall

Closing of openings above fixed components

The Lubratec Rollwall is suitable for openings above the wall base or fixed gates. It offers a high degree of protection against wind and weather with a simultaneous ventilation effect.

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Frontal deslizante Lubratec: construcción ligera para una protección eficaz con cortina deslizante de apertura lateral

Fronts - Sliding Front

Effective protection in lightweight construction

The Lubratec sliding front is a sliding curtain that opens to the side and is suitable for particularly low clearance heights.

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