Suspensión de asiento textil TechnoTex: solución elástica, transpirable e ignífuga para los estándares más exigentes de los sectores de la automoción y la aviación.
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HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
Fabrikstraße 13-15
48712 Gescher

TechnoTex Textile Seat Suspension

Highest quality for all types of seat suspension

High elasticity and high tensile strengths as well as cost control are the challenges for textile light construction. Additionally, highest fire protection standards for passenger trafficked areas are required.Coated fabric with memory effect, defined elongation, high strength value and flame retardant. Enables a light and quiet system design without any springs, wires or further reinforcement. These outstanding characteristics qualify our textile seat suspension for automotive and aircraft industry. 

Benefit from the advantages of our textile seat suspension

  • Elastic

  • Breathable

  • Flame retardant

  • Slide resistant 

Why choose textile seat suspension by HUESKER?

With the technical textiles for the segments Automotive and Aircraft, HUESKER offers a maximum of security, high-strength fabrics and cost-efficient solutions for lightweight construction.