Incomat® Pipeline Cover
Efficient, quick-to-install system to protect pipelines against buoyancy, uplift and external actions.
Incomat Pipeline Cover (IPC) can be used wherever pipelines require protection against mechanical impacts or buoyancy uplift. The IPC system sets itself apart from concrete encasements installed with conventional formwork systems through its fast, efficient application. Factory prefabrication of the geotextile formwork eliminates the need for any elaborate shuttering on site. The fact that the tailored units allow rapid assembly and optimise the concreting operation also helps to speed up the progress of the works. Furthermore, pipeline bends and varying pipe diameters can be readily accommodated by means of suitable planning and custom-manufacture.
Protects pipelines against buoyancy, uplift and external impacts
No on-site formwork erection required
High-precision factory prefabrication
Trouble-free installation at pipeline bends
Rapid filling
Up to 5 m long concreting sections
Tested to German guideline for hygienic assessment of elastomers in contact with drinking water (Elastomer Guideline). Classed as harmless under M Geok E 2016 (Guidance Paper on the Use of Geosynthetics in Earthworks for Roadbuilding Projects) and BBodSchV (German Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance)
Incomat is a registered trademark of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
Simple installation process
Fixing to pipe section
Zipping-up of cover
Concreting via filler neck