Picadero reforzado con la capa separadora Lubratec
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HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
Fabrikstraße 13-15
48712 Gescher

Lubratec® Separating Layer

Optimal soil conditions for improving animal health

The Lubratec separating layer ensures ideal soil conditions in livestock and breeding animals. Due to the individual size assembly, the separating layer can be used from small paddocks to large free-range outlets for poultry. The separating layer is extremely abrasion-resistant, UV-stable and water-permeable and therefore robust and durable. Thanks to the excellent drainage function, puddles don't stand a chance.

Size individually customizable

High drainage function

Product advantages

  • High abrasion resistance
  • High UV stability
  • Water permeable
  • Tear and bite resistant material
  • Individual sizes available 
  • Weight approx. 270 g/m²
  • Opening width 0,40 mm
  • Punch force 4.000 N
  • Rapid drainage of surface water - no puddle formation 

Horse management

Advantages of the Lubratec separating layer

  • Avoidance of material mixing between tread and base layer through defined opening width 
  • Provides an even and non-slip surface, even when horses step through
  • High drainage function - places are ready again after heavy rain
  • Can be driven over with machines, e.g. to remove the riding arena
  • Suitable for both riding arenas and paddocks

Poultry farming

Advantages of the Lubratec separating layer


  • A constant incorporation of filling materials is not necessary
  • Better chicken spread over the entire run
  • No water holes next to thehouse
  • No breeding grounds for pathogens and parasites
  • No eutrophication in the area that has no vegetation
  • Chickens carry less dirt into the house

Further information

can be found here
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