HUESKER - Descubra telas no tejidas versátiles para la horticultura, el comercio y la industria
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HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
Fabrikstraße 13-15
48712 Gescher

TechnoTex Nonwovens

Nonwovens are used for a wide variety of purposes, including protection, filtration, drainage and separation.

The nonwovens take the form of needle-punched fabrics that are able to serve wide-ranging functions, such as protection, filtration, drainage and separation. The textile products are made of short single fibres, which - unlike wovens - are formed into randomly oriented layers. They are particularly notable for their high stretch resistance. Common applications include construction, landscaping, crafts and trades, and automotive components.

  • Needle-punched nonwoven made from single fibres

  • Possible materials: polypropylene (PP), polyester (PES) or hybrid forms

  • Weights per unit area ranging from 130 to 3,000 g/m²

  • Standard and made-to-measure sizes available

  • High, multi directional elongation resistance

  • Supplied in rolls with widths up to 6.0 0 m

Why choose HUESKER's nonwovens?

Nonwovens are extremely versatile and, subject to selection of the appropriate polymer type and weight per unit area, can cater for a wide range of applications The particular merits of needle-punched nonwovens include their strength and robustness.